Sensor hookup
I've been reading with interest all the clever solutions to interfacing the tiny connector on the end of the vibration sensor cable. I had also ordered the recommended SMD mating connectors. When I received the connectors, I pretty much decided that I couldn't easily make a robust adapter so I was just going to cut the existing connector off and attach a larger Grove connector because I have lots of cables and boards that use the Grove system. I've recently been using a lot of boards with Grove and Qwiic (Stemma-QT) connectors - most recently on the Adafruit QT Py. I had purchased a Sparkfun Qwiic adapter board to allow me to interface breadboard jumper cables to Qwiic sensors. It turns out that the Qwiic coinnector is a 4 pin version of the 3 pin connector on the vibration sensor cable and that cable will plug into the adapter as I've shown below. Of course, you have to be careful to use the correct 3 pins and I had to make SCL the GND pin but otherwise it's a mechanically robust solution.
I printed a holder for the adapter board to keep it stable (flat) when I attach jumpers or probes to it for testing.
In actual use I'll probably use the other Qwiic connector (obscured by the housing) with an adapter cable to a Grove connector which I can plug directly into a Wio Terminal for data collection and processing.
I also attached the sensor body to the mounting plate that I had printed using double sided thermal adhesive tape (because it works well as double sided tape). And I added strain relief for the cable. Here the mounting plate is shown attached to the riser on the microphone stand.
First test
Before diving in to data collection I thought it would be good to sanity check my setup with a scope.
We expect the sensor signal to be about VCC/2 (+1.65V) and swing +/- around that level.
Here is a scope capture of the response to a quick tap on base of the stand.
The quiescent DC level is +1.7V which is good. I'm a little concerned about the quiescent noise level.
Here is a closer look at the noise:
I then tried tapping about 18 inches away from the stand on my wood desktop.
It will be interesting to see if I can discern footsteps on my hardwood floors. Time to start working on a program for data collection .
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