Working on the basics to ensure the parts are all in good order. I clipped the leads to the FLORA and the GPS and ran a simple echo sketch to verify the GPS is talking.
The next step is to code the math calculate distances to the Geocache. I knew I was going to need math but I'm now realizing I'm going to be doing vector arithmetic to calculate headings and distances! Fortunately, I found a nice site to check my math. It gets me to about +/- 10 meters with the resolution of the GPS signal.
Here's the code for the sketch I used to test output streaming to the Serial Monitor:
#include <Adafruit_GPS.h> //GPS Library available from
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
Adafruit_GPS GPS(&Serial1);
// Set GPSECHO to 'false' to turn off echoing the GPS data to the Serial console
// Set to 'true' if you want to debug and listen to the raw GPS sentences
#define GPSECHO false
// this keeps track of whether we're using the interrupt
// off by default!
boolean usingInterrupt = false;
void setup()
// connect at 115200 so we can read the GPS fast enough and echo without dropping chars
// also spit it out
Serial.println("Adafruit GPS library basic test!");
// 9600 NMEA is the default baud rate for Adafruit MTK GPS's- some use 4800
// uncomment this line to turn on RMC (recommended minimum) and GGA (fix data) including altitude
// Set the update rate
GPS.sendCommand(PMTK_SET_NMEA_UPDATE_1HZ); // 1 Hz update rate
// For the parsing code to work nicely and have time to sort thru the data, and
// print it out we don't suggest using anything higher than 1 Hz
// Ask for firmware version
uint32_t timer = millis();
void loop() // run over and over again
// read data from the GPS in the 'main loop'
char c =;
// if you want to debug, this is a good time to do it!
if (c) Serial.print(c);
// if a sentence is received, we can check the checksum, parse it...
if (GPS.newNMEAreceived()) {
Serial.println(GPS.lastNMEA()); // this also sets the newNMEAreceived() flag to false
if (!GPS.parse(GPS.lastNMEA())) // this also sets the newNMEAreceived() flag to false
return; // we can fail to parse a sentence in which case we should just wait for another
// if millis() or timer wraps around, we'll just reset it
if (timer > millis()) timer = millis();
// approximately every 2 seconds or so, print out the current stats
if (millis() - timer > 2000) {
timer = millis(); // reset the timer
Serial.print("\nTime: ");
Serial.print(GPS.hour, DEC); Serial.print(':');
Serial.print(GPS.minute, DEC); Serial.print(':');
Serial.print(GPS.seconds, DEC); Serial.print('.');
Serial.print("Date: ");
Serial.print(, DEC); Serial.print('/');
Serial.print(GPS.month, DEC); Serial.print("/20");
Serial.println(GPS.year, DEC);
Serial.print("Fix: "); Serial.print((int)GPS.fix);
Serial.print(" quality: "); Serial.println((int)GPS.fixquality);
if (GPS.fix) {
Serial.print("Location: ");
Serial.print(GPS.latitude, 4); Serial.print(;
Serial.print(", ");
Serial.print(GPS.longitude, 4); Serial.println(GPS.lon);
Serial.print("Speed (knots): "); Serial.println(GPS.speed);
Serial.print("Angle: "); Serial.println(GPS.angle);
Serial.print("Altitude: "); Serial.println(GPS.altitude);
Serial.print("Satellites: "); Serial.println((int)GPS.satellites);
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