First of all I would like to thank all organizers of "In The air Design Challenge" and Element14 for showing potential and selecting my application...
in this first post I am sharing my application for this design challenge, Your valuable feedback and suggestions are welcome...
“Breath Easily for Healthier Living with IoT”
My application for “In The Air Design Challenge” include designing of IoT based system using Beaglebone Black and CC3200 Launchpad as main processing part for sensing and controlling Air quality and water quality for Breath Easily and Healthier Living by means of controlling Air-condition, Ventilators and Exhaust Fan using real time Air Quality data of indoor and outdoor environment. The system also monitors TDS level of drinking water in home.
All the real time data will be available online from Airvantage M2M cloud by mihini running on Beaglebone black.
The entire control part is integrated with OpenHAB framework running on Beaglebone black, so automatic as well as manual control of Air-condition, Exhaust Fan and Ventilators can be done easily from openHAB application or Airvantage application running on SmartPhone/PC hence only one android application is capable to handle all home automation need.
PCB of different modules of this system will be specially designed using Cad Soft Pro and manufactured from Wurth Elektronik’s PCB service.
This system will be design around two wireless Air Quality sensing gateway, Indoor unit and Outdoor unit. Using difference in Air Quality sensor data of indoor and outdoor unit decision of control Air-condition, ventilators and Exhaust Fan will be taken. Top level blockdiagram of my application is given below,
Indoor unit:
Indoor unit mainly consist of Beaglebone Black with Air and Water quality sensors. It also control Ventilators and Air-condition automatically. Important features of indoor unit are,
1. It Senses indoor Air Quality using CO, CO2, NO2, VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds), temperature and Humidity Sensor and water Quality using TDS sensor. Sensors are selected by considering low power requirement and accuracy of measurement, so system works with accurate quantitative data rather than just qualitative data and it will be low power too.
2. Work as Gateway for Airvantage M2M cloud and OpenHAB for access real time data and control the entire system online.
3. Control of Ventilators, Exhaust fan and Air-condition (Cooler/Heater/Dryer) to control Humidity and Air Quality inside home. Also give audio visual alarm when Air Quality can’t be improved after all necessary controls at their extreme position.
4. Indoor unit is powered from utility with backup battery.
5. MSP430FR5969 will be used with CC2500 transceiver for control purpose at Ventilators, Exhaust fan and Air-condition.
6. To control Aircondition I will need reverse engineering of my Airconditions remote interface to make it work with MSP430FR5969.
Blockdiagram of indoor unit modules as follows,
Outdoor Unit:
Outdoor unit will be designed around CC3200 Launchpad with Air Quality Sensors. Main features of outdoor unit are,
1. It Senses outdoor Air Quality using CO, CO2, NO2, VOC, temperature and Humidity and Sensors.
2. Here also Sensors are selected by considering low power requirement and accuracy of measurement, so system works with accurate quantitative data rather than just qualitative data and it will be low power too.
3. Outdoor unit will be powered by solar panel of 12V/2W.
4. 6 cells (7.2V/800mAH) NiCd battery used for backup power.
5. Solar battery charger is designed around TI Solar charger portfolio and Wurth Electronik’s Low profile high current SMD inductors.
6. It is connected to indoor unit with Wi-Fi for sensor data transfer.
7. Because this unit works on battery/solar panel, CC3200 programming is done with efficient use of Low power modes.
Detail blockdiagram of outdoor unit is as follows...
Working of Entire System:
Beaglebone black and CC3200 in connected wireless to WLAN router.
WLAN router provides interface to the AirVantage M2M cloud via internet and also provide control facility via smartphone application.
Indoor Sensors and outdoor sensors data collected at Beaglebone. The difference in data is used to control window slider and/or AC or exchaust fan to maintain air quality inside home.
By all the controlling means if system is not able to maintain airquality inside home under threshold condition, then alarm triggers automatically and it will also shown via twitter on smartphone.
All the sensor data are available on AirVantage M2M cloud to easily access via smartphone or PC application.
Application of Hardware/software provided in this RoadTest for my application:
1. Beaglebone Black : As Gateway and interfacing Air/Water quality sensors indoor
2. CC3200 LaunchPad: As wireless Sensor node for outdoor Air quality sensor
3. MSP430FR5969 Launchpad: As indoor control unit for controlling unit for indoor Ventilators, Exhaust fan and Air-condition .
4. TI’s BQ25504: As solar charger and battery management for outdoor unit.
5. TI’s LMP91000: As analog front end for low power gas sensing.
6. TI’s HDC1000: As temperature and humidity sensor module for indoor and outdoor unit. TI’s TMP112 temperature sensor for indoor and outdoor unit.
7. Wurth Elektronik Power inductor kits: For design solar charger and battery management.
8. Wurth passive components : In final stage design standalone indoor and outdoor unit, passive components, LED, connector and switches will be used.
9. Wurth Elektronik’s PCB Service: Manufacturing standalone PCB for indoor and outdoor unit.
10. TI's CC2500 : Indoor wireless sensor interfacing and control.
1. Cad Soft Pro: For design PCB of standalone indoor and outdoor unit.
2. Eclipse: For implement sensor gateway on Beaglebone black to provide real time data and control facilities on Sierra Wireless AirVantage M2M Cloud Platform with mihini. Eclipse will be also used for design Android application for realtime data monitor and control.
Extra $500 budget utilization:
1. 12V/2Watt Solar Panel: for power supply of Outdoor unit. (1Pcs Approx-$15)
2. 7.2V (6cell 800 mAH NiCd pack): for Backup power supply of indoor as well as outdoor unit.(2Pack Approx-$30)
3. TDS Probe : for measuring TDS level in drinking water. (1Pcs. Approx-$25)
4. Air Quality Sensors: low power CO2, NO2, CO, VOC sensor from or (2Pcs. Each Approx-$200)
5. Car power window motor: for linear control of ventilators/window. I will get these motors easily from car scraps vendor in local market. (3Pcs. Approx 60$)
Finally, My experience with "Forget Me Not Design Challenge" and my curiosity to design IoT based application which helps in improving environment awareness and contribute to society for healthier living will be playing key role for this RoadTest challenge. Also it would be great opportunity for me to use Beaglebone Black,CC3200 and Sierra AirVantage M2M cloud Platform for IoT application.
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