It's more the time it takes to get such things going. I've found the reclaimed controller - it's a CAL9500 - can work with PTR or thermocouples. One SSR output and two relay outputs. I've often found the least cost route (including the cost of time) is to use an old PC as the controller - I have a PC controlled fridge.
I was thinking about interfacing a simple temperature probe, to some form of micro and controlling the heating element.
I haven't opened up the one linked above, so I'm not sure if it has any sort of feedback loop, or the method used to interrupt the element (if at all).
Surely an SSR, Micro and Temperature Probe isn't going to add very much at all to the build, and could even be a standalone device.
I've seen some of the ovens, and while I'm not suggesting this is for large boards or BGA's, its probably suitable for a few one off situations.
Like it or not SMD is here to stay, so we better get the tools to deal with it.
I hadn't thought about controlling the temperature - I have a salvaged temperature controller somewhere - I must dig it out.
You can buy a name brand controller from Farnell for £100 - £150, or one from ebay for £30 - I wonder if you can build one for less, ST Nucleo board, solid state relay, display, box, thermocouple and input amp - it would be very tight and a lot of effort - I'll look for the old one.
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