This blog is really just to indicate I have been working on the project. However there is not much visible progress to report.
I have got the arduino IDE working with the Nucleo MCU and I can write programs for it that work, but 3rd party arduino programs don't necessarily work.
I have a LoRa Gateway (Dragino) set up and communicating via SSH and its own web server.
I have a GPSWOX account setup to do real time GPS tracking on a map.
The LoRa client is supposed to read formulate and send GPS data to the LoRa gateway which then passes the data to GPSWOX to plot on a browser map.
But they are not communicating yet - all kinds of issues getting supposedly working code to compile properly.
I have loaded up a bunch of libraries and code to do LoRa client and LoRa gateway, and GPS parsing.
I have plugged the LoRa client card onto the Nucleo MCU but the code for that is also not compiling.
There seem to be compatibility issues between arduino and the Nucleo port. For example the software serial port library doesn't work because the Nucleo runs at a different clock rate from normal arduinos.
I have been re-writing some of the source code, but have not been able to bypass all the issues yet.
Needless to say the LoRa client and gateway are not yet talking either.
My custom PCBs have shipped but not arrived yet.
My main nemesis (understanding other programmer's software) is in a full court press right now and there is not much light up ahead, but I am still working on it. Apologies for not spending a lot of time on the blog, but I need to spend lots of time on getting stuff working. Hope some things start to work a bit better soon.....
Project Links:
IoT On Wheels Design Challenge page
Links to other blogs on this project are included in the first blog: