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Have a question about this Design Challenge? Ask it here!
Do i need to submit my proposal in comments here or need to upload MSword /PDF file ?
There is an application form available on this page: Make Life Accessible. Just click the "Join the Challenge" button.
Are there more details available on the "other" parts of the kit?
Other Parts included in this kit include:
- Motor (PMSM)
- Fuses
- Fuse Holders
- Proximity Sensors
- Linear Position Transducer
- Object detection sensing
- Connectors
- Wire
- Battery Lugs
- Power Relays
- Indicator LEDs
- Toggle Switches
- Pushbuttons
Detailed specs of the motor, sensors, etc ... ? Thank you!
Quick question. Seeing as the PMSM Motor Control board is a required item, does this mean a PMSM motor is required in the project? And if so, can you give more specs on the PMSM motor you have referred to in the kit? Thank you. element14Dave
A lot of people seem to have the same question here, and on the Kit page, but I don't think anyone has received an answer yet.
Is it possible to get additional information on the remaining parts? Thanks! element14Dave
Hi element14Dave
Actually I have the same question about the Specifications of the kit and one more. Are we getting one part of each for example Motor(PMSM)? what if my project need more than one motor?
Also, I wish to ask if this is the same motor we are talking about: http://www.nxp.com/products/software-and-tools/hardware-development-tools/freedom-development-boards/freescale-freedom-d… what if my project demands much more powerful motor than that? Actually if this the same motor I'm afraid I can't use it for my project, So what are my choices?
Hi Frederick,
I've popped up a few ideas that are leisure related here: https://www.element14.com/community/community/design-challenges/makelifeaccessible/blog/2016/02/05/make-life-accessible-hello-from-barrie-from-specialeffectorguk and https://www.element14.com/community/community/design-challenges/makelifeaccessible/blog/2016/02/08/more-ideas-for-accessible-leisure (fixed broken links - thanks Clem).
Hopefully it might be a little helpful.
Good luck!
Hi Barrie Ellis
The link above gets Sorry, for some reason the link isn't valid or the content has been deleted. We've logged this problem and will aim to get it fixed. since new site upgrade. Could you please fix link.