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Hi Frederick,
I've popped up a few ideas that are leisure related here: https://www.element14.com/community/community/design-challenges/makelifeaccessible/blog/2016/02/05/make-life-accessible-hello-from-barrie-from-specialeffectorguk and https://www.element14.com/community/community/design-challenges/makelifeaccessible/blog/2016/02/08/more-ideas-for-accessible-leisure (fixed broken links - thanks Clem).
Hopefully it might be a little helpful.
Good luck!
Hi Barrie Ellis
The link above gets Sorry, for some reason the link isn't valid or the content has been deleted. We've logged this problem and will aim to get it fixed. since new site upgrade. Could you please fix link.
Understandable with only 12 applications so far.
I feel element14 would probably get more applications of more details were know about the parts. Without additional information, I won't be applying.
Another aspect, according to me, is that the motor controller is a mandatory part. A lot of accessibility projects such as controller mods etc ... can't be suggested because of that requirement.
Thanks Clem. Fixed now.