Let us know what questions you have about The Music Tech Design Challenge!
Let us know what questions you have about The Music Tech Design Challenge!
Does the project have to "play" music or the output it produces have to be music?
Or does it just need to be involved with music? For example, maybe it makes something move to the music but doesn't actually play any music.
Thanks for the clarification.
Great question screamingtiger,
It just needs to be involved with music, or music performance. So an LED light-show timed with music would be an example of something that does not necessarily produce music, but enhancing it.
Great question screamingtiger,
It just needs to be involved with music, or music performance. So an LED light-show timed with music would be an example of something that does not necessarily produce music, but enhancing it.
Great! Opens up some more ideas for me. Thanks!