Hi Friends , in the Previous post we have Created our own Custom PWM IP in Vivado and just Integrated it in our Design.
In this Post we will run it On Minized Board.
In the Next Post , I will show the Debugging Routes we will trace : For these functionalities we have added Integrated Logic Analyzer Core and JTAG to AXI master cores in our Block Design , I will Clear how these work in the Next post.
After Creating the Block Design with Our Custom IP added in Design this is no new Task for Us :
1.) Just Generate the Bit Stream !
2.) Export the Hardware (along with Generated Bit Stream by checking the Box "Include Bitstream") to any Target location for further working in SDK.
3.) Launch SDK (file->launch SDK) and then selected the Path that we Exported the Hardware and then Select the Workspace Path for SDK
SDK Part:
1.) At first Create New Board Support Package(File -> New -> Board Support Package -> Finish -> OK)
2.) Then Import the Previously created Applications(if required, In our Case - We added these files as shown in below Fig. for UART ,Running BRAM functionalities)
For Importing : Select File -> Import -> General -> Existing Projects into Workspace -> Finish.
Now we Create Led Dimmer Application which will relay on the PWM block.
1.) File -> New -> Application Project -> Next
2.) Name it as LED_Dimmer_Int and Select Use Existing BSP ->Next
3.) select Empty Application -> Finish
4.) Under 'src' directory of "LED_Dimmer_Int" Right Click -> Import ->Under General Select Filesystem -> Browse to the Directory of my Attached "LED_Dimmer_Int.c" ->Select the file Check Box -> Finish
We can Create a new Program if we want instead of using the Attached "LED_Dimmer_Int.c" , what it requires is seeing Memory Map of PWM and calling PWM by referencing to that Address and similar other Functionalities.
5.) Then Connect the Minized Board and Then Click On Program FPGA option as shown:
Click "Program FPGA" Button.
Now We Required to Run Program on the PS :
1.) First Listen to the Serial Port by Means of PUTTY or Teraterm by connecting to the Serial Port at 115200 baud rate
2.) In SDK, Right Click On "LED_Dimmer_Int" under Project Explorer and select Run As -> Launch on Hardware(System Debugger) .
3.) You should be seeing PUTTY or Teraterm Screen as Shown:
4.) On the Minized Board , Observe the "PL LED" by giving Input values from 0 to 9 in the Teraterm or Putty window
Brightness of PL LED will increase by Increasing the Input value
That's It , we Successfully Run our Custom PWM IP block and Programed it On Minized Board.
In the Following Post , we will see how we can Debug or even see the Logic Values(or Data similar to Logical Scopes ) at the various Blocks by means of Integrated Logic Analyzer.