First of All , Sorry for long Pause Guys !
I missed you So much
I would Make sure to Pace up with the Rest ASAP.
Installing Xilinx Vivado in Linux:
First of All , Get Ready with Required Tools:
Xilinx Vivado(2017.4 or Later version only) , EDK , Drivers(for Windows) , Putty or Tera Term
Note: XIlinx Vivado support only for 64 bit Architecture, So check for it before getting Started.
For Linux folks , I made my First Video on how to install it .
Making Minized PSoC to Say 'Hello World !' :
After Installing , Our first task to make Minized to Say "Hello World !" and we would be doing it in a generic Way !
Here is the video i made in order to Accomplish this task.
I assure you that i would make sure you understand all the things in the following Videos to come on this week, because this video is already very long !