This project in the Pi-Fest music technology Design Challenge aims to create a MIDI synthesizer based on a Raspberry Pi PICO. The previous blogs covered the electronic hardware and firmware design. (see links below) This blog covers mechanical design of the enclosure. I use AutoCAD 123D Design to do mechanical design - it works well for most of my designs. It is important to understand how the fit will be affected by hot plastic spreading tolerances, but once that is known, designing things that fit properly is much easier. But there is always that long anticipatory wait during printing to confirm all measurements were accurate.
Here is a photo of the assembled case:
Enclosure Design
I made a video to show the enclosure design features from all angles:
In practice the printer had a little residual black plastic from previous print jobs that worked its way into the print, giving it a tarnished appearance, but because the case fit well, I did not reprint it. I had a raspberry sticker from element14, so I stuck it on, just to add a little color to a boring rectangular case.
Mystery Melody Medley 4
Here is the fourth Mystery Melody Medley identification video:
Conclusions and Discussion of this Blog
The enclosure turned out quite well. I suppose I could have dressed it up a bit, but the focus of the project is audio, the case just keeps the dust off.
Next blog will wrap up the project with a summary and discussion.
Relevant Links:
Blog 1 - Introduction and circuit schematic description
Blog 2 - PCB layout and manufacturing
Blog 3 - Firmware and issues
Blog 4 - Mechanical enclosure design and features
Blog 5 - Project summary and discussion
Pi-Fest Music Contest page
AY-3-8910 Datasheet
Dual Synth link