Enocean Sensors are wireless sensors working by energy harvesting from environment - no wires, no battery, no limits!!! In this post, I'll be using three sensors from the Enocean Sensor kit and EnoceanPi enable raspberry pi receive the data from sensors and forward it to a MQTT broker. This is later displayed in freeboard. I'll be using Python for receiving data from enocean sensors and sending it to MQTT broker.
Installing the sensors
Enocean Temperature sensor installed on my wall
Enocean Contact sensor installed at my door
Preparing your Pi
Not much has to be done in the Pi. We can directly connect the EnoceanPi gateway module to Pi3 (or any other Pi also). But it will block the entire GPIO will be blocked by the module. Since I would like to use some of those pins for other purposes, I thought of wiring only the required pins together and thus unblocking othe GPIO pins. As it turns out, EnoceanPi uses serial communication and hence require only four connection : 3V3, RXD, TXD, GND. So I decided to connect them using jumper wires.
Installing Paho MQTT Python Client
Next step is to install necessary MQTT library to Pi. I'll be using Paho MQTT Python library for this project. To install it, from your Pi's terminal$ pip install paho-mqtt
This will install the necessary python libraries for communicating with an MQTT broker in your Pi.
Installing Enocean python library
For this challenge, I planned to reuse the Python library for enocean devices I developed during FMN challenge. I modified the library to detect individual sensors and added the basic three application style decoding for radio data. This will enable you to ge the raw data send by the enocean node on a nice object form which you can process later. To get the library clone my github repo using
$ git clone https://github.com/v-i-s-h/Enocean-Py.git
Let's code
Now we can code the main logic. This is what we are going to do. Whenever enoceanPi receives a telegram, we'll decode it and check whether it from temperature sensor or contact sensor. Then we'll send it on the topic user/vish/sensors/<sensor_id>.
The code is given below and is mostly self explanatory:
# Bridge.py import sys, os, inspect import time from time import gmtime, strftime # Add modules to path libPath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "./../")) if libPath not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, libPath) from EnoceanPy import EO from EnoceanPy import ESP import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt import paho.mqtt.publish as publish basePath = 'usr/vish/' appPath = 'sensors/' ## Define MQTT callbacks def onConnect( client, userData, retCode ): client.publish( basePath+'devices/enocean', '{"name":"enocean gateway","desc":"ESP to MQTT bridge"}' ); def main(): print "\t\t** Enocean bridge **" ttyPort = "/dev/ttyAMA0" print "\tEncoean gateway port : " + ttyPort + '\n' # CO_RD_IDBASE command cmd1 = [ 0x55, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x05, 0x70, 0x08, 0x38 ] hEOGateway = EO.connect( ttyPort ) # better to wait a little for connection to establish time.sleep( 0.100 ) ## display any packets already in buffer print "Buffered Packets : ", rawResp = EO.receiveData( hEOGateway ) ## Send CO_RD_IDBASE print "RQST : ", for i in range( len( cmd1 ) ): print "%02X" %( cmd1[i] ), print '' #~ EO_receiveData( hEOGateway ) # Read any buffered data rawResp = EO.sendData( hEOGateway, cmd1 ) print 'RESP(%3dB) : ' %len( rawResp ), for i in range( len( rawResp ) ): print "%02X" %(rawResp[i]), print '' pkt = ESP.decodePacket( rawResp ) ESP.displayPacketInfo( pkt, 'CO_RD_IDBASE' ) # Connect to broker client = mqtt.Client( client_id = "enocean_bridge", clean_session = True ); client.on_connect = onConnect; client.connect( "", 1883, 60 ) client.loop_start(); try: while( True ): rawResp = EO.receiveData( hEOGateway ) if rawResp: print strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",gmtime()),": ", print '[RXD] ', for i in range( len( rawResp ) ): print "%02X" %(rawResp[i]), print '' pkts = ESP.decodeRawResponse( rawResp ) for pkt in pkts: # print " :> ", # for i in range(len(pkt['data_recv'])): # print "%02X" %(pkt['data_recv'][i]), # print '' # print "[PACKET]................................................................." telegram = ESP.decodeRadioData( pkt ) if( telegram['dev'] != 'UNKN' ): # Not an unknown telelgram mqttPacket = {} str_id = "" for i in telegram['id']: str_id = str_id + ("%02X" %i) mqttPacket['id'] = str_id; # Check which sensor send the telegram if telegram['dev'] == 'RCKR': # From rocker swicth action = telegram['data'] & 0xE0 bow = telegram['data'] & 0x10 if bow == 0x10: if action == 0x00: mqttPacket['action'] = 'AI' elif action == 0x01: mqttPacket['action'] = 'A0' elif action == 0x20: mqttPacket['action'] = 'BI' elif action == 0x30: mqttPacket['action'] = 'B0' else: print "%02X" %action mqttPacket['action'] = 'invalid' else: mqttPacket['action'] = 'released' elif telegram['dev'] == 'TEMP': # From temperature sensor # 3rd byte in data is useful mqttPacket['temp'] = 20.0 + (60.0-20.0)/255*telegram['data'][2] elif telegram['dev'] == 'CNCT': mqttPacket['status'] = telegram['data']&0x01; str_mqtt = ', '.join("%s=%r" % (key,val) for (key,val) in mqttPacket.iteritems()) print( str_mqtt ) client.publish( basePath+appPath+str_id, str_mqtt ); # print "........................................................................." except KeyboardInterrupt: print "\nExiting Enocean MQTT Brdige" EO.disconnect( hEOGateway ) client.disconnect() main()
This file is also available inside the repository, under PiIoT/bridge.py
Now you can run the bridge using
$ python bridge.py
This will create a new client from the Python app, connect to the broker specified and publishes a 'hello' message. Then for each of the telegrams received, it will forward it to the broker.
Later I'll be subscribing to the topics from the sensors using Freeboard dashboard to display the data.
That's all for this update
Happy Hacking,
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