Internet of Your Things is a project about creating Personal IoT spaces for common people and putting people in the center rather the things.
This page contains the index of the blog posts I created as part of the project
- [PiIoT#00]: Internet of Your Things - Introduction to project, description and goals
- [PiIoT#01] : Designing a dash board - Setting up a web based dashboard for monitoring data
- [PiIoT#02] : Setting up MQTT broker with WebSockets - Install Mosquitto broker with websockets and JS client tests
- [PiIoT#03]: Cheap BLE Beacons with nRF24L01+ - Faking bluetooth tags with low cost nRF24 modules
- [PiIot#04]: Freeboarding with MQTT - Freeboard + MQTT = Simplifying Visualization!!!
- [PiIoT#05]: Presence Monitoring with BTLE Beacons - Updating the presence of BTLE Fake beacons to UI
- [PiIoT#06]: Ambient monitoring with Enocean sensors - Enocean gateway to MQTT bridge in Python
- [PiIoT#07]: Internet of Music Players - Music, Pi and Mopidy: Let's Party!!
- [PiIoT#08]: Sensing with SenseHat - Viewing sensehat data with freeboard
This list will be updated as I publish more contents. Keep reloading
Happy hacking,
- vish