Now, I am in the integration step of my whole system after some installation. Recently, I developed the computer vision code based on OpenCV including the user interface employing PyQT. However, in this post, I will show you the redefinition of the project, planning of my program regarding with my project as well as the photos of my current progress.
Redefinition of PiCA Project
Besides, I have redefined the proposed project as below for the simplicity of the project as shown below,
Fig.1 Redefinition of PiCA Project
So for planning the menu for the next time, the user should in belong to the local network. Then, I replace the voice-based command using interactive touchscreen button since the touchscreen component is provided.
Program/Coding Plan
Since there is two independent software which runs simultaneously: computer vision software; checking stock and order. The task of each program is shown as below,
Fig.2 Planning of PiCA program/coding
So, the first program will register the material and measure/estimate the weight then record the information in the database. This program will be equipped with OpenCV, PyQT, and Python-MySQL connection. The second program will check the planned menu for next two days, check the stock related to the menu and then order to the seller if the stock is empty or not enough. This second program will be equipped with Python-MySQL connection and Yowsupp coding.
The installation process of mysql-server and phpmyadmin to the raspberry master machines,
Fig.3 Installation process of MySQL-server and PHPMyAdmin
Below is the process of importing database created in PiCA - Pi Chef Challenge Blog #2 : Unpacking and Initial Database Development to the raspberry master machine
Fig.4 Importing database to the raspberry master machine
Below is the captured the computer vision program equipped with the blob detection I have made
Fig.5 Computer vision program for raspberry master machine
Closing Remarks
We have described the recent progress of this project. The next step is the development of the algorithm for computing the stock including the blobing technique and blob area-weight correlation. Hope that our project runs well and can finish before the deadline.