For this blog I will be showing the first real life model of the shelf that I will be using in the project. For its construction I used the thin plywood used in schools (270x200x3mm), I find these easy to work with, while they are pretty light and strong. This is the 3D models i based my prototype on.
While making the prototype I decided to apply some changes to the model to make it more robust and better looking. I ended up using the same type of plywood everywhere, where in the model I planned on using a thicker piece for the "heavy" shelf. To compensate for the thickness of the plywood I used slats to reinforce it (the slats cross section is a square 10x10mm)
For the other changes to the "heavy" shelf, I made the ring that surrounds it so it matches the "light" shelf.
The thing that is left with this part is to secure the sides with some more glue as well as finish it all of with some sanding leaving it with a nice and smooth surface, the other part is the "light" shelf. As I have said before, I will be using it to store the Raspberry and Arduino, as well as any other electronics I may use, because of some of the changes i made to the heavy shelf some changes will be needed for the light shelf, and that will be the slats added underneath the light shelf around the edges, so it matches the heavy shelf (they aren't added on the pictures), the top shelf can be removed easily to make it easy to get to the electronics.
As I have said, I need to finish up the surfaces, do some sanding, round the edges and stuff like that, the other big thing that is left is to make the shelf holders themselves, which I will make when I get and calibrate all of the sensors. I found it more convenient to connect the parts with wood glue rather than screws or nails. Screws would have been good because it would be possible to take it apart, but the only thing that I will probably be taking off from time to time is the top shelf which doesn't need screws to be connected to the rest of the shelf. Thank you for reading the whole thing, hope you liked it!!!
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