Hey Friend,
With excitement I want to thanks again to the element14 once again for the Wolfson Audio card. This week I got my Wolfson Audio Card delivered to my address. So thanks once again to element14 team and their staff for the support.
Now talking about the features of Wolfson Audio Card it was described earlier by me and also by other contestants.
It is unbelievably small in size and easy to attach with the Raspberry Pi. Unfortunately when it is interfaced we are unable to use Pi- Face control and display with the Raspberry Pi. Somehow this is the main disadvantage of the Wolfson Audio Card. Otherwise if talking about the audio usage of the raspberry pi as we have to design a karaoke machine, this one plays important role as we all are facing problems with the input audio problems as there has not any sound input capabilities. Other than that talking about the other disadvantages which might be I am facing is that for now the wolfson drivers are only available with pre-build image of the raspbian OS. So for now I changed my decision to use Raspbian OS.
So I’ve downloaded the build image of wolfson pi from Here.
Unluckily when writting the image file to memory card I got the error.
The image built has the larger size than that of the memory card. So I am unable to write the image to the memory card using win32diskimager.
The memory card we get has the storage capacity of 7.32 GB. But the built image has size approx 7.36 GB. So unluckily I am unable to write the image to the memory card. I am trying all sort of possible solution to write the data to it. Or otherwise I have to buy the memory card having capacity 16GB.
Do someone else facing the same issue?
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