If you have any questions about this design challenge, post them on here.
If your proposal is accepted you get the Kit for free. If you do not win a proposal, then you can still participate but you must buy all components.
Either way the cost is just the components you use except the ones you may get free.
do you have to use the components in the kit for the contest?
You don't have to use all the components, but at least some of them should form the basis of your project. You are also free to add components of your own in case you need additional functionality.
I am still 16, but I want to join the competition! Is the age restriction final?
Does anyone know, when scoring the projects do they take into account how many parts I used from the original kit or does it matter? I would assume if I can use all the parts from the kit that is better than if I used none, but maybe not?
It is not a count thing, but how good is the idea.
Judging Criteria
- Originality and innovation;
- Usefulness of the application;
- Efficiency of energy use;
- Compliance with the Directive (see paragraph 4.14);
- Technical merit;
- Innovative use of components;
- Cost optimisation;
- Completeness of Blogs describing design;
- Feasibility of Design;
- Clarity of Supporting Documentation;
Hellow, im from Spain, and here is still the 13 of April, but it isn't allowing me to submit my proyect. I checked the date and it isnt saying that is strictly EEUU's hour (maybe i miss it, in that case i apologize!).
Im out?