I spent many hours this week learning about BLE. I've never used any BLE devices in projects before, so I needed to get up to date.
I found some good training videos online.
This set of videos from Ellisys is very good:
Nordic Semiconductor also posted a few BLE videos:
It's interesting that one module can have more than one BLE role at the same time.
The basic protocol for data from a sensor is by declaring it as a service characteristic.
Some of the BLE definitions can be found in BLE_PeripheralServer.h
/** \brief Start of <i>Manufacturer Specific Data</i> containing ON * Semiconductor <i>Company Identifier Code</i> <t>0x0362</t>. */ #define BDK_BLE_MANUFACTURER_ID "\xff\x62\x03" #define BDK_BLE_MANUFACTURER_ID_LENGTH 3
Some of these services and characteristic UUIDs are already defined in the BLE spec.
Other useful information comes from road test reviews like the one from shabaz
ON Semi RSL10-SENSE-DB-GEVK Sensor Board - Review
I spent some time "fiddling" with his RSL10 browser app.
Then I found the ON semiconductor docs:
Now I feel confident enough to try and modify the example code.
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