This is my final post for this prodject. the original idea was for one machine to make a very loud chirping noise under the water, that a second machine would then pick up and indicate in some way that something is wrong under the water, however when I went to go and build these machines I ended up only making one that was functional. The machine letting out the chirp worked perfectly, it is the red triangle in the video, and you can see other videos of how it works in my other blogs, but the second machine did not end up working as well. The idea was for a hydrophone to pick up the chirping sound, play it for a voice recognition microphone, and then finally 4 LED's would light up. When I went to do this however it did not go as planned, the hydrophone I bought cannot pick up the noise the first machine puts out, and beyond that the the voice recognition module either came broken or just doesn't work with the software that it came with. I am currently 130 plus dollars into this prodject as well as having spent countless hours trying to get everything to work, and I can't keep going on the assumption I might win a prize. All of that being said I do believe the concept for my prodject works and is very sound, I just don't have the time or money to redo it. I'd like to say a big thank you to on semiconductor for sponcering me and answering all the questions I've had, this truly was an amazing and fun experience and I definitely learned a lot.