So I suppose this blog post is very belated; however, I wished to sum up the events of the past few weeks and the total sum of the programming completed. Basically, I got stuck on the programming of the EZR32WG MCU. I tried to look through James's code, but even after looking at his use of arrays, I couldn't do anything with the data because I lacked any way to express the information. Therefore, I went to the TemHumidity example in Simplicity Studio and tried to use a similar graphics. Upon writing this, I see two logical flaws in this attempt: there is no space on the LCD and the obstacle which I encountered, namely transposing the values read from the radio into displayed strings. I am unsure if I am allowed to do this.... but I will look for possible solutions for this throughout the week. Basically, the problems I encountered were a: getting data from the arduino to the emitted packets.(I wasn't sure how to put the information into them.... the example code showed how to send packets but not how to store information in them except for the ACK, which did not apply). I2C attempts failed because it proved to be too difficult to integrate it with the EZR32. I was then forced to use Rx/Tx, something I was not used to with an arduino. I figured out from online sources how to send 1 byte at a time, but for the multiple sensors, I did not know how to separate them for the micro controller to read. I will attach my code for the arduino(my small adjustments to EZR32 examples are not very needed). The program is pretty straight forward, and at the end you can see my attempts to send the sensor values to the EZR32. If anyone could explain to me how to send the information into the packets.... it would be much appreciated, and I could perhaps finish up with a bare bones result: the sensors included in the arduino code/a motorized feeding system/a hopefully functional water circulation system(I'm currently using a pump and a siphon made of tubing with a servo jiggling the tube to get the water flow started/and a display made by the EZR32.
*Edit: In the code, it talks about an output on pin 10 with a timer function. This is a motor.