Each phase takes a number of weeks, and I don't know exactly because I haven't successfully grown them (yet). I started this 3 years ago after taking a mushrooming class at a local co-op farm.
I've successfully failed at least twice at each stage, so now I'm compelled to get it right. It would cost me a lot less to just purchase some shrooms at the farmers market.
I went back and looked at your previous posts which I had over looked before. Biology is not my focus interest but what you have done is very interesting. This also points out how important it is for one to not get too specialized. Applications of electronics to other sciences abound but are only able to be realized if someone like you is sufficiently diversified and can recognize them. Great Job.
These are not spores, these are the mycelium that colonize from the spores. In the incubation phase, they like warmer temperatures (75F) and no light.
This is now the end of the incubation/colonization period, and the fruit (mushroom) will start to grow with added light, high humidity, and lower temperatures (60F)
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