Just received a package from Newark Element 14. Looks like everything is here except the Wurth switch kit, Dave addressed this in the update video, and the EZR32WG starter kit. Again, Dave explained this in an earlier thread. Since the EZR32WG kits are region specific they are being shipped separately to ensure that everyone receives the correct operating frequency radio for their region. So all according to plan. The EFM32 Starter Kit is however in the package so we can now get familiar with both SimplicityStudio and the online mbed compiler. And we have them in hand for the Silicon Labs mbed webinar. Learning is so much better when it's hands-on!
Funny, it has "Newark" on the box. I worked for a marine radio, coast, station in the early to late '80s. WLO, Mobile Marine Radio! We did a lot of our own R&D and either built or modified a lot of our own equipment. I was an R&D tech and the resident UNIX sysadmin and C programmer there. We used components that came mostly from Newark. So seeing a Newark box show up at the door brings back a lot of memories. Mostly good!
Thanks for the toys Newark Element 14. I will proceed to put them to good use.