Design Challenge | element14 presents | Member of the Year | Project14 | RoadTest | RoadTester | Winners | Members
2019 has been a busy and interesting year for Design Challenges, and we've had some wonderful, weird, challenging projects. 2019 hosted the PiCasso Design Challenge with Raspberry Pi, which has been our most successful challenge to date, so it's only natural to highlight my top Challenger and Project of 2019, both of which came from the PiCasso Design Challenge!
My Top Challenger of the year goes to Enrico balearicdynamics
Enrico was the winner of the PiCasso Design Challenge for his entry Art-A-Tronic, an interactive art exhibit in Gent, Belgium. We have had some unbelievable projects submitted in Design Challenges of the years, but no one has ever submitted an entire interactive exhibition.
Enrico completed "seven of his nine goals": an augmented mannequin that can host Raspberry Pi Computer vision, has binaural hearing which turns to face you, and an MQTT connection to the "BORG Communication Nexus," an aptly named Cube featuring an MQTT Server. Aside from the articulating mannequin, the Communication Cube talks with a Raspberry Pi Smart Mirror and a cage full of Arduino controlled Bird Automata.
Project of the year goes to Wesley gam3t3ch
Ever been so hungry that you wanted a GIANT Raspberry Pi? A giant ... working Raspberry Pi 3 B+!? Then gam3t3ch has you covered! This project impressed us so much that we created an Honorable Mention prize for the PiCasso challenge. The massive Raspberry Pi is a testament to Wesley's machining skills, knowledge of electronics, 3D printing, CNC, and general finishing. He even went so far to connect the pins on the Pi Massive to an actual Raspberry Pi hidden within it.
"Weighing in at 13.9lbs, with 1,041,084mm of filament, a grand total of 440hrs of 3d printing and CNC work, and a massive amount of painting time and cleanup: the PiMassive is alive"
Wesley's Wrap up Blog and Video
Congratulations to these wonderful challengers ... and now you can all sink your teeth into the new Connected Cloud Challenge which has just gone live!
Happy New Year
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