I was hoping the contest end date would be extended since the parts I requested have still not completely arrived.
As of now, my IOT Container is working, logging temperature and sending data happily over serial. I am taking the data and sending it over an XBEE and onto a beaglebone Black.
Now here is the magic, I am sending the data over wired ethernet using MQTT to a raspberry pi. A mosquitto server is running over the RPi which creates the message stream. I was also able to store data on a database as well using PHP.that would take the data as arguments to GET requests on the web server. Will be doing a demo video tomorrow...
The things done are:
Container Circuit and Software
Wireless communication to base station. I tried using the CC2500 solution but ran into problems with the word lengths.
Battery Management on the Base station. This was basically a boughtout
Connectivity to a server, I am using wired ethernet since the wireless CC3000 module never showed up.
What remains.
GPS module. This has arrived, but I have not played with it yet.
Wireless Internet Connectivity. The GPRS module will work with an arduino but I was hoping for a better CC3000 based solution.
I will post a Video tomorrow.
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