Yesterday morning I finally received my Demo Kit! Hurray! Here are a few pictures of the kit and my first impressions:
When I started opening the packet it felt like a Matryoshka doll: a box inside a box inside a box! It certainly was well packed, maybe even too well.
The final plastic case really got my attention. It is a nice transparent case. Once opened, we find the following content protected by foam:
- Transmitter Module
- Receiver Module
- Load
- 1.2A 5V power adapter
- 3 Jumpers
- A pair of tweezers!
- Usb Cable
- User Guide
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An general error occurred while processing your request.
In general, it feels like a quality kit where effort has been put into. Great!
And I really like the detail that the case is also a part of the kit, allowing us to power the transmitter while inside. Therefore they have made a small cutoff on the front panel where the usb-cable can go through. On the top we find a drawing indicating where to place the receiver. Plug the adapter in and voila: the leds light up. It’s a nice detail that really increased the wow-effect when I showed it to my family.
A funny thing I noticed is that, while transmitting power, the kit makes noises. They are very soft and probably, if the whole thing was in a PCB not loud enough to be noticed. Nevertheless I would like to know the source of it and if it’s normal. I have attached a small audio file to this post. You might need to turn up your volume to hear it.
I already started taking some measurements and did some tests, but still without a clearly defined plan and it’s too early to draw any conclusions. More on testing next week!