Previous Post - Wireless Power Solution for Flashing Light 2 - Wireless Power Challenge
Welcome All,
My circuit board arrived and quite pleased with the results. Since ordering the board there is a couple of design requirements that can be changed to either simplify the design but these are not important at this stage. All the screw hole fitted nicely owing to the accuracy of Eagle Cad although due to a small error on my behalf the holes where not wide enough. This is an easy fix although will impact on the PCB traces in a couple of areas. Although in the lower picture the right hand side and top small holes may cut into the trace .
One of the main design constraint that I placed into the board to to completely isolate the Buck Converter to the Wireless receiver section. After testing I will see if there is any requirement for EMC and shielding if possible. Copper pores were not done in this PCB as I was not sure of the impact of a pore to induction in the magnetic field as the coil will be going directly under the PCB.
TI have implemented a load of videos only a couple of days ago, included in this video is some design videos confirming some of the theory I have already realised but a couple of configuration requirements that I did not know. The videos are a bit but informative. and - Wireless power Receiver Designs
In this design I realised that I was going to need to make more boards to complete the design but at least if my soldering capabilities are good enough for such minute components, I should be able to get it working to look at any issues that I may not have thought of or factored into the design.
The board fits beautifully on the product ring which means there is no modification to the overall design of the board in this respect and as the components are so small it should be able to fit into the ring without issues. I still have a couple of components on order waiting to arrive but I should be able to start putting it together very soon.
The next blog I should if all go well show the assembled board and look at powering up. After this I hope to provide a summary of my experience as a student engineer and the processes that got me this far. Unfortunately I have exams at the end of this week and next week and a lot of preparations but if all goes well should get it to operational status before the completion date of the 27th June 2014.
Till again ciao and good to everyone in the final outcome of their respective designs.