Roxana Bucina
Current home town:
Bucharest, Romania
Did you attend university?
Institutul Politehnic Bucuresti, BS EE
Michigan Technological University, MS EE
Current Job:
English Teacher
Favorite projects from element14 presents or youtube:
Tell us about your project:
My project is a Display with LEDs.
Besides scrolling text my project displays rotating borders and images.
All three functions can be accessed using 2 switches, so it is a four-state display.
The images displayed are easily created by using the links given below:
My question is: How do I automatically send the *.ino file to Arduino? When I download it to the computer I want Arduino to start running it. Do I need an Ethernet Shield?
Are there any links or files you'd like to provide that support your project? Code snips, 3d print files, etc.
Border Display
int scrollspeed = 50;
int flag=0;
int clockPin1 = 2; //Arduino pin connected to Clock Pin 11 of 74HC595
int latchPin1 = 3; //Arduino pin connected to Latch Pin 12 of 74HC595
int dataPin1 = 4; //Arduino pin connected to Data Pin 14 of 74HC595
int clockPin2 = 5; //Arduino pin connected to Clock Pin 11 of 74HC595
int latchPin2 = 6; //Arduino pin connected to Latch Pin 12 of 74HC595
int dataPin2 = 7; //Arduino pin connected to Data Pin 14 of 74HC595
byte bitmap1[5][3]={
byte bitmap2[5][3]={
{73,146, 4},
{36, 73, 255}
byte bitmap3[5][3]={
{73, 146, 255}
void setup() {
pinMode(latchPin1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(clockPin1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(dataPin1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(latchPin2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(clockPin2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(dataPin2, OUTPUT);
//Clear bitmap
//for (int row = 0; row < 5; row++) {
// for (int zone = 0; zone <3; zone++) {
// bitmap[row][zone] = 0;
// }
// }
// Displays bitmap array in the matrix
void RefreshDisplay()
for (int row = 0; row < 5; row++) {
int rowbit = 1 << row;
digitalWrite(latchPin2, LOW);//Hold latchPin LOW for transmitting data
shiftOut(dataPin2, clockPin2, MSBFIRST, rowbit); //Transmit data
//Start sending column bytes
digitalWrite(latchPin1, LOW);//Hold latchPin LOW for transmitting data
//Shift out to each matrix
for (int zone = 0; zone < 3; zone++)
switch (flag){
case 0:
shiftOut(dataPin1, clockPin1, MSBFIRST, bitmap1[row][zone]);
case 1:
shiftOut(dataPin1, clockPin1, MSBFIRST, bitmap2[row][zone]);
case 2:
shiftOut(dataPin1, clockPin1, MSBFIRST, bitmap3[row][zone]);
//flip both latches at once to eliminate flicker
digitalWrite(latchPin1, HIGH);//Return the latch pin 1 high to signal chip
digitalWrite(latchPin2, HIGH);//Return the latch pin 2 high to signal chip
// Plot each character of the message one column at a time, updated the display, shift bitmap left.
void XProcess()
for (int refreshCount = 0; refreshCount < scrollspeed; refreshCount++)
void loop() {
Project video:
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