Are you in need of a shortcut? Take a look at some of Ben Heck's best lifehacks from the show archives.
1. Automated Smart home
Ben works on some ways to automate functions into an existing home. Automatic Door Buzzer? Coming right up! Ben also rigs up a system to manually change the temperature on an old Honeywell thermostat.
2. A Video Game Controlled Hot Pocket Dispenser
During the lazy videogame and football months of winter, Ben builds a device to promote even more laziness: a video game controller that automatically feeds you Hot Pockets!
3. Smart Alarm Clock
Sick of missing important appointments? Tired of hard-to-program alarm clocks and trying to figure out how to make hotel alarm clocks more reliable? Ben Heck builds a universal alarm clock based on a simple version from home.
4. Android Controlled Kitchen Aid
Tired of burnt dinner? Stir your pots remotely! Ben uses Android and an Arduino to make another lazy-man invention! Who says you can't play video games while you cook?
5. Creative Case Hacks: No 3D Printer Required!
Ben unplugs the 3-D printer, laser cutter, and CNC machine and gets to work creating a custom case by hand. He shares tips and tricks to help you build a cool enclosure for your next project.
Find more of Ben's Shows in the archive!