How about a magnetic generator not to big and in the style of the record turn table something with a voltage setting and a few plug in ports for you phone , game console tv ect something with a clear case design with multicolor leds so that it can be a center piece as well as a power source you could put a hand crank just to start the spin then have the pin arm control the speed/power any way would love to see this build come to life on one of your episode ... I can already 4 C IT....
p.s maybe you can also make it removable from that case to be able to place in another case designed to fit in the center of my bike to run my 48 volt 1000 watt electric hub....of course youll have to make that pin arm have some way of snapping into secure placements that would keep it from moving during turn motion or bumps... its sounds difficult but im sure that this would be a much easier build then your others.... does this whole thing sound possiable? look forward to seeing it in one of your episodes