Join element14 presents as we show you how to build a mail monitor system to monitor your mailbox. When a package is dropped in your mailbox, a switch is triggered and an ESP32-CAM module will take a photo of the package and send it directly to your Telegram Messenger. The hardware includes a ESP3 module with a camera, a switch for manual or doorbell use, a capacitor, and a few wires. In addition you will need a power supply, a housing, and an optional external antenna. The programming of the ESP32 has to be done with a FTDI programmer that you only need for programming. Using the WIFI manager, you can connect your ESP32-CAM to your local WIFI network.
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Supplemental Content:
Bill of Material:
Product Name | Manufacturer | Quantity | Buy Kit |
Housing | Vero | 1 | Buy Now |
Switch ( Optional ) | Multicomp | 1 | Buy Now |
Capacitor | Panasonic | 1 | Buy Now |
External Antenna for example | RF Solutions | 1 | Buy Now |
Power connector Jack for example | Multicomp | 1 | Buy Now |
PCB connector | Harwin | 1 | Buy Now |
Additional Parts:
ESP32-CAM module with OV2640 wide angle camera |
Some wires |