Auditions are closed! Here are the 20 women who wanted to introduce themselves to us!
Meet the Winners of #badass Online Film Festival
Remember - the project competition is open to everyone - you don't need to submit an audition.
If you want to participate in the Project Video Phase of the contest (and you haven't already submitted an Audition) then just comment in this doc or direct message me and I'll get you on the right path. Submit your element14 presents "episode" by 30-April-2020.
Good luck and keep creating!
Lorraine Underwood - #badass Women Makers and Engineers Contest Audition
Vidya Mohanan - Audition Tape for #badass Women Makers and Engineers Contest
Katie Dumont - Phase 1 audition tape for #badass woman makers and engineers contest
shweta_3ddiva - 3Dtronics: A combination of 3Dprinting & Electronics to make Anything!
Leanna Pancoast - Audition tape for #badass Women Makers and Engineers Contest
Dikshita - #badass Women Makers and Engineers Contest
thelizardwizard - #badass Women Makers and Engineers Contest video
Georgia Grand - e14 audition - Georgia
Clarissa Kleveno - #badass Women Makers and Engineers Contest video entry
Akshita Gupta - Audition tape for #badass Women Makers and Engineers Contest (Akshita Gupta)
Sylvie Ha - #badass Women Makers and Engineers Contest Audition Tape
Maria Camporese - Video for #badass Women Makers and Engineers Contest
Victoria Kazachenko - #badass Women Makers and Engineers Contest audition - Victoria
Caitlin Fotheringham - #Badass Audition - Caitlin Fotheringham
Ritika Amit Kumar - The Young Explorer Robotics Class
Surbhika Rastogi - Badass Woman Maker and Engineer
Ritvi Mishra - Badass Women techmaker
puja Palodhi - element 14 contest participation
Praveena A - Blinking On-board LEDs with TI Launchpad with Mobile app
Anne Pauley - Badass Women Engineer- Anne
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