The CT3679 Twin Lead adapter converts a 5 mm oscilloscope probe to a two-socket connection. You can either connect those sockets to header pins or use the included SMD grabbers to connect to small leads. While they obviously work well with Cal Test's own probes, they may also work with other 5 mm scope probes. But, as you can see in this Workbench Wednesdays Video, not all of them!
Compatible Probes
- Multicomp Pro OW3200
- Rigol RP2200
Not Compatible Probes
- Rigol P6060
- R&S RT-ZI10C Isolated Passive Probe
- YPioneer P4100 100X High Voltage Probe
Obviously, this is not a comprehensive list. These are just the 5mm probes I have in my lab. Post your experience with the CT3679 below.
I recommend having at least one of Cal Test's probes since they fit well together. I recommend the CT3133RA. It's a 350 MHz probe. My testing shows you really only get about 90-100 MHz out of the adapters before they start ringing.
Remember, the "RA" at the end means the probe has the pin to indicate to the oscilloscope it is a 10-to-1 probe.
The CT3679 Twin Lead adapter is also available in the CT3288ARA kit.
Its part number ends in "ARA."
The first A means it includes additional accessories like the twin lead adapter.
If you haven't watched it yet, there's a full video on the twin lead adapter, watch it here.