The Eyes Have it


This project took me a few weeks to complete mostly because of the minor learning curve for the IR transmitter and receiver on an Arduino. I used three IR sensors to track where a object was and then turned the two micro servos (with eyes attached) in that direction. I need to add that in the video, I accidentally referred to the batteries as lithium-Ion batteries when really they were lithium-polymer batteries.


I completed this using:


Arduino MKR ZERO

Arduino MKR ZERO


3x IR Transmitters

TSAL6400 - Infrared Emitter


3x IR Receivers

TSOP38238 - Infrared Receiver


2x Lithium-Polymer Batteries

Adafruit Rechargeable Battery


2x Micro Servos

Adafruit Micro Servo



Several Halloween store eyes, creepy cloth, and a mason jar were used.


My arduino code for the servos and sensors is attached below.

Parents Comment
  • That’s exactly what I was going for! I thought it would look pretty unsuspecting with it being in a small mason jar, and then it would surprise the guest as it turned to look at them. Another variation i was considering was to do this in a painting (like those scooby doo monster paintings) while having eyes of the painting move gradually to peer at you.
