Hi Photo Project Buffs,
I just received the RPi 4 B, a RPi HQ module, and a 12 MP lens for my project of a stop motion video project.
Thank goodness for Amazon, an RPI4 power supply, 32G SD card, and HDMI cable arriving very quickly to also support this project.
Before starting to video, I need to get a feel for the new equipment.
It took me some time to figure out the 12MP lens adjustment depth into camera lens bracket to get a good focus for the field depth I'd like to use for stop motion.
For a fair comparison, I setup qty 2 RPi 4B side by side.
The left HDMI monitor shows an RPi 4 with NOIR camera taking a still shot.
The right side HDMI monitor shows an RPi 4 with HD camera taking a still shot at almost the exact same time.
This photo was taken with a 12 MP Canon digital camera.
Its pretty obvious the RPi HD camera has better color and detail than the NOIR (not bashing NOIR).
This NOIR camera has alot of mileage, RPi 4 has face recognition installed, and has been shown at several Raspberry Pi Jams. It may have issues from packing and abuse.
The NOIR RPI 4 is seen up front dead center of the photo on a box. The RPi HD is 2 feet behind it right in front of the right side monitor, on a tripod.
This is the RPi 4 mounted on the small tripod with the HQ camera.
The monitor was mainly used to setup the RPi 4, show the comparisons and adjust the focus.
Once filming starts, controls will be thru python and a pushbutton or VNC.
This is the actual photo taken by the RPi4 with NOIR, FTPed to my Windows PC. The jpg file is 4.8 Mb.
This is the actual photo taken by the RPi4 with HQ camera, FTPed to my Windows PC. The jpg file is 6 Mb.
Good luck to all your projects, they will be really interesting to see.