I was the very pleased and honoured recipient of two $100 winners prizes for Project14 competitions that I entered recently and Element14 were kind enough to let me put these two prizes together to so I could get Marty the Robot. This is the walking robot kit that has already been blogged about by rancell in his Blog
From reviewing this Blog I thought that would be an interesting robot to make, as it coincides with my current interest in walking robots (the parts for the Tobbie walking robot also came today so I hope to return to that adventure shortly Walking Robots #4 : I have complete control! ), plus Marty is open source so I plan to see what I can do in that respect. I can now get my 3D printer to do reasonably complex objects so I am looking forward to seeing how I might expand and/or enhance Marty.
Below is the video of the unboxing of Marty the Robot. Not that thrilling visually but I was excited to receive it and plan to start construction shortly. I Ummed and Arhhed about getting this robot for weeks as it is more expensive than I usually can afford and had eventually decided to go without, but great thanks to Element14 for being able to use my Project14 prizes.
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