This design is a pure VHDL quadrature signal generator.With variable frequency. The frequency can be controlled with a scroll wheel.The purpose of this design is to build an alternative local oscilator for Shabaz' Software Defined Radio (SDR) Exp...
Even faster than the seasons appear to be changing another month's Project14 event is upon us. Hopefully, the Element14 team will consider fast edges to be an RF topic. I have really enjoyed participating in Project14 events, as its all...
Overview - a 25 year old RC car , an obsolete aged 49 MHz model had been hacked & sitting in a junkpile for decades.....It is saved from the trash bin, land of misfit toys, recovered and restored it to original working condition,......then tore i...
What is SDR?
How Does it Work?
Circuit Walk-Through
Voltage Regulators
Quadrature Local Oscillator
Mixers and IF Amplifiers
RF Amplifier
RF Filter
Using It
Printed Circuit Board
Revision 1 PCB Issues and Fixes
Quadrature LO Pin 12 I...