Previous Post - Wireless Power - Eagle Cad update, Template, and issues
Hi Community,
I have finally understood the concept to a good enough point to know my limitation and what is required to create the schematic diagram. I haven't had much time read other blogs at this stage but I believe it was mention about the external power converter used in the Wurth Load board. After all the tests etc., and knowing what I wanted, the board showed itself my answer underneath. I found the equivalent chip used and place it into my cart ready to order when the PCB design is finished. I have completed a rough video blog of the update and a bit of tech info only analytically looked at and simplified to the hilt.
My next stage is to complete the schematic and PCB design and look at doing something constructive with my video blogging, Video are improving but there needs to be a pep in my voice over plus a better position for the camera. I have decided to look at pre-production instead of off the cuff, I am not very good at it.
Next Post - Inductive Power Solution for Flashing Light - Wireless Power Challenge