Welcome to SecCasts Live: Exploring Obscure Web App Vulnerabilities, Part 1. In this session of SecCasts Live we will begin our deep dive into web application vulnerabilities that are commonly misunderstood and underestimated. Throughout this series we'll look at how these vulnerabilities manifest themselves in code, practice discovering and exploiting them using traditional and non-traditional methods, and discuss remediations to prevent future exploitation.
Presenter: Tim Tomes is a Managing Consultant at nVisium with extensive experience in Information Security and Application Development. Tim began coding software as a budding youth and currently manages multiple open source projects such as the Recon-ng Framework, the HoneyBadger Geolocation Framework, and PeepingTom. Never hesitant to share his passion, Tim writes technical articles at lanmaster53.com and frequently instructs and presents on Application Security topics at major Information Security conferences such as ShmooCon, DerbyCon, Black Hat and SANS.
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