Panasonic NFC KitAre you looking for solutions to add wireless connectivity to your products? Do you need a cost-effective, easy to design, secure and world-wide interoperable solution? Then you should not miss the Panasonic NFC webinar! Panasonic, one of the leading NFC Tag makers in the world, introduces their NFC solutions. What are the unique selling points of these products and what deliverables are available? Beside these topics you will get the opportunity to speak directly with Panasonic‘s NFC Specialist during a discussion round.
Presenter: Thomas Portenlänger, Technical Marketing & Product Manager
Thomas Portenlaenger, Dipl. - Ing. (FH), has worked for Panasonic semiconductors since 2000.  He moved in 2013 from the design center to the product marketing department where his responsibility include Panasonic's NFC Tag ICs and modules.