Farnell element14 France is sponsoring and attending the Coding Pi Science day at the CERN on the 7th and the 8th of October.
The CERN Micro Club (in partnership with Google Education and EU Code Week) is organizing an exceptional educational event around three scientific kits based upon the Raspberry Pi mini-computer:
•The "Poppy Ergo Jr" Robotic Arm, invented by the Flowers project team at Inria Bordeaux Sud-Ouest Research Center, ENSTA Paris Tech (French Institut national de recherche en informatique et en automatique).
•The "Muon Hunter" Cosmic Ray Detector kit, designed as a partnership between Mr Mihaly Vadai and members of the CERN Micro Club.
•The Programmable Wifi car "GianoPi", invented in partnership with the campus La Chataigneraie, for the Ecole Internationale de Genève.
Friday 7th October (from 6pm to 8pm): A free conference open to all (limited to an audience of 100 participants), during which you will be able to meet the kit inventors and learn more about their work.
Saturday 8th October (from 9am to 5pm) : A workshop day during which you will assemble and program as part of a team one of the three kits.
If you want to attend to this event, register here.