This Webinar focuses on the recently released NXP I²C Fm+ Development Board Kit OM13320.image Detailled instruction will be given to power up the kit, connect it to a computer running Win7, and exercise the supplied NXP GUI support software.
The GUI has preset and easy to learn and use support pages for the NXP I2C parts already in the kit (8ch GPIO, 16ch LED Dimmer). The NXP GUI’s Expert Mode provides text based commands to create and run custom sequences.
Some Engineering examples:
  • Learn how a specific I2C device operates
  • Compare I2C devices across brands and types
  • Project PoC (Proof of Concept) before building hardware
  • Operate a device in a specific set up
  • Measure performance (using external tools)
Because the kit is modular future NXP devices will be supported with dedicated add-on PCBs that plug into this kit. For a simple attention grabbing display the OM13320 Kit can be used alone (with any standard USB power source).
When used with the NXP supplied software, running on a Win7 computer, I2C devices may be manipulated down to the internal register level. When used with external lab test equipment the OM13320 is the ideal platform for accurate electrical measurements, or construction of end user circuitry for rapid Proof of Concept confirmation.
Presenter: Peter Stonard
After earning an electrical engineering degree from Westminster University (formerly Harrow College) in London, UK, Peter relocated to the USA to work on EMI Medical X-Ray Scanners. This lead to Peter’s creation of an in-house engineering team to design and construct unique factory and lab test equipment at Clinton Electronics, a Midwest based CRT builder.  Peter moved to N. California to work for The Grass Valley Group (a Tektronix Company) as a design engineer on broadcast video and audio systems, at a time when traditional analog solutions were replaced with Serial Digital Interface standards. Peter joined Elantec Semiconductor prior to their IPO, as the Western Region Field Application Engineer, providing customer support and new product definition for high speed Op Amps and MUX switches. More recently Peter has worked for Comlinear, National Semiconductor, and Vishay Intertechnology, in various technical marketing roles.
NXP I²C Fm+ Development Board Kit OM13320 for information on how to obtain and test your very own NXP I²C Fm+ Development Board Kit OM13320 for free!