Simon Monk presents his latest book: Make your own PCBs with EAGLE

Publisher: McGraw Hill Education


Design Custom printed circuit board with EAGLE
Learn to make double-sided professional-quality PCB’s from the ground up using EAGLE – the powerful, flexible design software.  In this step-by-step guide, electronics guru Simon Monk leads you through the process of designing a schematic, transforming it into a PCB layout, and submitting standard Gerber files to a manufacturing service to create your finished board.  Filled with Detailed illustrations, photos, and screenshots, “Make Your Own PCBs with EAGLE” features downloadable example projects so you can get started right away.

-          Install EAGLE light Edition and discover the views and screen that make up EAGLE project

-          Create the schematic and board files for a simple LED project

-          Find the right components and libraries for your projects

-          Work with the Schematic Editor

-          Layout PCBs with through-hole components and with Surface Mount technology

-          Build a sound Level meter with a small amplifier and ten LEDs

-          Generate Gerber design file to submit for fabrication

-          Solder through-hole PCBs and SMD boards

-          Design a plug-in Arduino shield

-          Build a Raspberry Pi expansion board

-          Automate repetitive task using scripts and User Language Programs

-          Create your own libraries and parts  and modify existing components

Electronic and printed version available on Amazon


Special Guest: Simon Monk

Date: June 25, 2014

Time: 2:00PM EST

Duration: 30 Minutes


* About the Author

* Intended Audience

* Approach

* Contents

* Example Projects

* Q & A


About Simon Monk:

Dr. Simon Monk (Preston, UK) has a degree in cybernetics and computer science and a Ph.D. in software engineering.  He spent several years as an academic before he returned to the industry, co-founding the mobile software company Momote Ltd. He has been an active electronics hobbyist since his early teens and is a full-tim writer on hobby electronics and open-source hardware.  Dr. Monk is the author of numerous electronics books, specializing in open-source hardware platforms, especially Arduino and Raspberry Pi. He is also a Co-author with Paul Scherz of “Practical Electronics for Inventors”, Third Edition.

Simon Monk Twitter @simonmonk2
