This webinar will introduce attendees to the Avnet RASynBoard and the software enablement available for the platform. The RASynBoard was designed to help engineering teams solve complex problems with machine learning at the edge. We’ll do a quick introduction of the hardware, but spend most of the time showing the RASynBoard in action with live demos. Additionally, there will be a review of the software enablement that’s currently in place to accelerate software development and to create custom ML models in Edge Impulse Studio that can be deployed directly to the board for testing and deployment.

What you will learn by attending:

  • The hardware components in the RASynBoard design
  • The benefits of ML at the Edge
  • Where to find open source application code to leverage for custom ML at the Edge solution
  • Where to find documentation to help development teams get started with the RASynBoard
  • How to create a ML model in Edge Impulse Studio and deploy the model to the RASynBoard


Additional Resources:

Buy Kit:

Avnet RASynBoard
Buy Now

The Presenter:

Brian Willess, Technical Solutions Engineer at Avnet
Brian Willess is a Technical Solutions Engineer at Avnet working out of Southport NC.  Brian’s focus is on IoT Device firmware, cloud connectivity and ML at the Edge.  Brian holds a BSE in Computer Systems Engineering from Arizona State University and has over 20 years of professional experience developing low level firmware, managing firmware teams and firmware projects.