startKIT is a low-cost development board for the configurable xCORE multicore microcontroller products from XMOS. It's easy to use and provides lots of advanced features on a small, extremely low cost platform. xCORE lets you software-configure the interfaces that you need for your system; so with startKIT you can configure the board to your match your exact requirements. Its 500MIPS xCORE multicore microcontroller has eight 32bit logical cores that perform deterministically, making startKIT an ideal platform for functions ranging from robotics and motion control to networking and digital audio. startKIT also connects easily to your Raspberry Pi, allowing you to add real-time I/O and communication features to this popular computing platform, and to try out advanced applications for xCORE. This webinar will present an overview of the XMOS startKIT and IDE.
Presenter: John Edwards
Since obtaining his BEng(Hons) from the University of Bradford in 1985, John has worked as a design engineer on a variety of DSP applications, from V.32, VOIP, WiMAX, 3G and LTE through to audio and industrial control systems. John now works as a Field Applications Engineer at XMOS Semiconductors, a company that designs and manufactures real-time multicore microcontrollers. John is a member of the IEE, IEEE is a regular contributor of papers at international DSP conferences and teaches Post Graduate DSP courses at The University of Oxford, in the UK.
Want to try out the XMOS StartKit for yourself? XMOS StartKit!
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