imageModern waveform generators have innovative signal generation technology that allows you to simulate your signals better than the previous generation’s technology. You might be surprised at what you were missing with your current function generator. See how a waveform generator can help you overcome your challenges such as reusing your signals in new efficient designs, getting the best signal fidelity out of your generator, and simulating your long complex signals. Getting your signals onto your generator is easier than ever. Why should it take a serious programmer to get your signals onto your generator?  Want to stay up to date with the latest in waveform generator technology from Agilent, watch our webinar at element14.
Presenter: David Tu
David has over 13 years of Test and Measurement experience; first as a manufacturing engineer, then as an NPI test engineer. After designing hardware validation and production test systems for the last 10+ years, he’s made the move to application engineering. His goal is to share his knowledge of Agilent products and learn more about how customers use General Purpose Instruments.