I do a lot of little stuff around the element14 community. I'm probably most known for running the RoadTest program, but I work with vendors and our other staff writers and some freelancers to help them produce content that our members would like to read. I also manage our Webinar problem (although lately I have gotten a lot of help from other members of the element14 team.) Much of my responsibility is to work with our webinar presenters to offer webinars that the community cares about. It's a bit of a challenge sometimes especially when someone wants to offer a webinar and I have to determine the level of interest. That's why I am running this poll. I'd like to learn more about the engineers who attend element14 webinars. I know the community is an evolving entity so it would help me to understand you better.
The poll has only one question: What type of engineer attends element14 webinars. I encourage you to participate in this poll. It will help me a lot. If I can get 150 to participate, I think that would be a lot of help. Thanks.
Randall Scasny
element14 Webinar Host
PS I have included below a selection for Non-engineer Maker. I think many of our makers are engineers even though some of them may not hold a engineering roll professionally. I think they represent of the spirit of a Michael Faraday who learned a lot by experimenting and playing around in his garage!
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