It might be useful to present an introduction and basic user guide to GIT repository …..
It might be useful to present an introduction and basic user guide to GIT repository …..
This free eBook download via Apress Open may be of interest in the meantime ?
Springer Link also have a free textbooks 'Covid 19 package' on the go at the moment:
Amongst others, there are some books on Verilog and VHDL in there and on Python 3, which may be of interest to those doing the PYNQ workshop.
Peter Corke's book on Robotics and Machine Vision is in there
Thank you Dave,
this is a very precious link, 543 pages! And there is also the epub version I can convert easily with Calibre to mobi for Kindle. LoL
I am a git sponsor everywhere I was. Another good training in conjunction with Git is learning how to use Doxygen.
Are you referring to the git command line options or to GitHub?
There are many ways to implement a git repo both locally as well as online or in a CI/CD environment.
What specifically are you looking for?
Just speaking for myself... I have learned how to do only the most basic things and have never worked collaboratively with someone else as an example. I have only worked with GitHub and it would be nice to work locally initially. My version control is atrocious before putting something on GitHub. I’ll have a look through the book that Dave linked.
There are two points that I saw many developers always ignore or not consider in Gip version control.
1. Repository push should NOT happen only when your program works but when you make a meaningful step
2. How to manage different branches.
And, IMHO, these are the two most important possibilities from Git to keep a serious development history of your job.
Well, I think what you are describing are two separate things. Git is just a tool used to move code to a repo and such.
Branch strategy is an entirely separate topic. Branching depends on the development environment and the branch strategy. Most Agile Development encourages pushing changes often to ensure the code is not lost. However, the idea is to create a development branch and to create feature branches for particular issues where a developer works from and can push changes to. Once the code is ready to be pushed to the development branch, a code review would be created and the code goes under scrutiny. In some instances code analysis would take place as the code is pushed to ensure there are no syntax issues or spacing issues as in Python. Once the code has gone through a code review, then a pull request would be mode to merge the code into the development branch. This continues until there is a release set and all fhe changes are properly merged into the development branch where the code is merged into the master branch. In some cases a release branch would be made and only select changes are checked into the master branch. This is just one scenario and could take many forms.
There are many tools to keep repos in such as GiHub, GitLab, Bitbucket and the old ClearCase.
This is a deep topic, and could git nasty.