It might be useful to present an introduction and basic user guide to GIT repository …..
It might be useful to present an introduction and basic user guide to GIT repository …..
Are you referring to the git command line options or to GitHub?
There are many ways to implement a git repo both locally as well as online or in a CI/CD environment.
What specifically are you looking for?
Are you referring to the git command line options or to GitHub?
There are many ways to implement a git repo both locally as well as online or in a CI/CD environment.
What specifically are you looking for?
Just speaking for myself... I have learned how to do only the most basic things and have never worked collaboratively with someone else as an example. I have only worked with GitHub and it would be nice to work locally initially. My version control is atrocious before putting something on GitHub. I’ll have a look through the book that Dave linked.
I first started using GIT because some article or other would refer to the code being available in a GIT repository.
I just remember it being strange and confusing when I was trying to use it. A lot of articles on element14 refer to GIT so I thought members might benefit from some tips on what it is and how to use it ….
What type of use are you interested in?
Using other people's repo / getting their latest versions?
Contributing to other peoples repo?
Have a repo to have your code versioned and shared with other people?
Have a repo where other people can contribute to your code?
Mostly my uses are:
Using other people's repo / getting their latest versions
Have a repo to have my code versioned and shared with others - such as supporting element14 blogs
The original suggestion of a guide was not primarily for me, but for any members not familiar wit GIT.