Recently been thinking about the ways current flows through a parallel circuit and it confuses me. So all connections on a parallel circuit are at equal potentials with the source. So no two components are getting anymore or less energy than the others. However based on the resistive nature of that branch will determine the current that is pushed through that part. So id like to simplify this by taking two circuits with equivalent parts. Both circuits have a DC source of 10V and each has 5 resistors equaling 5 ohms each. In series each resistor would draw away not current but the energy that is propelling electrons down the conductor. The circuit has .4A of current. In a parallel circuit all five have 10volts dropped on them and therefore each has its own current (In this case they would all be identical but each is drawing a separate current.) My question is where does all the extra current come from? Is it front the extra paths or was it always in the source?