I have written a clone of fortnight (fortnite). The code is in repository https://github.com/rhubarbdog/microbit-two-weeks
I have written a clone of fortnight (fortnite). The code is in repository https://github.com/rhubarbdog/microbit-two-weeks
A video (or at least some photos / explanation) would help a bit. I'm sure I have some micro:bits (and even a Game Zip) lying around, so might see if I can persuade my 9-year-old to try it with me.
Considering the gulf in computing power between a micro:bit and a modern graphics card eqipped gaming PC, I'm guessing it's not quite a clone of Fortnite but maybe fun all the same.
On the gamezip it looks a little better. On a microbit display the player fades in and out, the exit flashes, and other players are medium brightness.
I'm sorry I have no photos or video of the game. It is still under development and I am looking for as much feedback as possible
rhubarbdog I've never played Fortnite but I've got a Micro:bit. I'm willing to give it a whirl.
As the README.md in the repository states.
It's a multi player mad dash from random locations round the edge of the map to the exit at the centre
As the README.md in the repository states.
It's a multi player mad dash from random locations round the edge of the map to the exit at the centre
I now have a new installation method .hex files
One for microbit only controls,
One for the host microbit
And one for both of the 3rd party controllers I support
I have a new controller in the post which has an analogue joystick and 4 fire buttons so look out for support for that.
If you see a controller with analogue joystick and an oled screen I'd love to try that.